[ Article ]. Metaverse vs. Kingdom of God…Should Christians Enter the Metaverse?

At the time I’m writing this in 2022, a new high-tech virtual reality technology called the Metaverse is rapidly transforming the internet, and it’s only in its introductory stage.  Users aren’t just looking through the monitor of the world wide web anymore, with metaverse technology they can now be literally inside the world wide web. It’s like being able to jump through the television screen, into your favorite sitcom, and instantly becoming a character fixture in the show, interacting with all the characters, elements, and environments of the show seamlessly.


Facebook’s, CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, who is leading this new pioneer frontier, is so committed to the Metaverse, that he has even changed the name of Facebook to Metaverse. Bill Gates’s Microsoft, Elon Musk’s Neural link, and many other tech giants are joining forces to create adaptable platforms, and plugins, to enhance the Metaverse into a more realistic and seamless experience for the user.



The Metaverse is an advanced virtual technology, allowing the user to basically be a god over their own digital world, known as the metaverse.



For clarity, from here on out, though I’m privy that Metaverse is now a brand name, I’ll be using the name Metaverse interchangeably and generically, to describe the entering of portals into both the digital and spiritual dimensions, in that I will explain how they are one and the same.



Metaverse users have the option to lose their God-given identity, create their own, and interact within the metaverse in every aspect of life in real-time. The user creates their preferred: gender, race, face, body, voice, clothing, house, car, etc… Corporations are already having staff meetings and doing business in the metaverse. People are now traveling, dating, browsing through stores, and going to concerts in the metaverse.



The metaverse can be best described as dimensions (spiritual/digital), upon the foundational layer which we know as reality.



The metaverse like a television set projects multiple dimensional layers within the same space onto a single screen, manifesting a genre of virtual programs, based on the channel being transmitted.



The metaverse is a digital universe housing countless subscriptions of portals into the digital and spirit realm, where a massive league of alternative worlds resides.



Pagan religions around the world, via Babylon, have used ancient technology to open portals into the spirit realm, to enter into various spirit worlds, governed by the Kingdom of Darkness.



This knowledge was given to humanity by satan, and his fallen angels, through a witchcraft practice called Alchemy. The Freemasons have a denomination of Alchemy called the Rosicrucians. Interestingly enough, the ancient Rosicrucian Headquarters from Egypt now resides in Silicon Valley, California, the technology capital of the world. Is this just a coincidence? I don’t think so, let me explain.



Satan is a creation-counterfeiter, his purpose for creating the metaverse, was for the purpose to lure humanity from seeking the Kingdom of God, to building their own Kingdom without God and acting as their own god.



Satan’s strategy is to use the Metaverse both digitally and spiritually as bait, to draw humanity away from knowing God’s Salvation plan and purpose for their life. Satan’s objective is to take them out of the world God created for them, and into another world controlled by the Kingdom of Darkness. Though I keep referring to both digital and spiritual metaverse, they are both spiritually oriented, from either two spiritual sources, which is the Kingdom of Darkness or the Kingdom of God.



Yes, just like the internet which many Christians rebuked when it became mainstream in the ’90s, saying satan would utilize it to spread the indoctrination of sin worldwide, which it has, yet many ministries, including ours, have utilized it as a spiritual weapon to distribute the Gospel of Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit worldwide.




This is not an endorsement by any means for the metaverse, however, God will equip His saints and send them out with His anointing to fight our spiritual enemy wherever he has created a demonic stronghold.



Promising to become “your own god” is a common denominator for many of the pagan religions of the world. Here are some mainstream religions that propagate these false teachings:


New Age


The first record of humans entering the metaverse, is in the Garden of Eden, the technology used to enter in, was the forbidden fruit, from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.



But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Genesis 2:17


Adam and Eve disobeyed God in entering the demonic metaverse, and it not only brought death upon them but upon all the bloodline of humanity. Satan lied to them, making them believe they could become like God.


“For God Doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Genesis 3:5



This ancient disobedient act opened the diabolical door into the demonic metaverse of knowledge of evil, such as; witchcraft, black magic, sorcery, horoscopes, blood sacrifices, etc… Humanity learned from fallen angels and demons how to do the rituals, incantations, oaths, etc… to open up portals and new demonic metaverses.



In modern times, within the past century, one of the most popular metaverse games is Dungeons & Dragons, which was placed on the market in 1974.


D & D incorporates ancient witchcraft at its highest level, to open up portals to demonic metaverses. Users create their own world and avatar (identity) to their specifics.



In the 90’s I was a group home counselor in Carmichael, California. We had a 17-year-old resident named David, who was serving time at the group home for the criminal offense of burglary, in which he performed a satanic ritual within the home, and brutally sacrificed a cat.


According to David’s counseling file, his I.Q. tested at the genius level.



David was an eccentric, yet pleasant kid who enjoyed conversing about science and the paranormal. One day he begin talking about his spiritual beliefs. He explained to me how he had worked his way up through the ranks of Dungeon and Dragons, to become a Dungeon Master.



He told me how in his metaverse, he had created his own village, in mid-evil times fashion, in which he was the mayor.



He had servants, chefs, and a harem of women, in which he said the intimacy was as real and sometimes more real than the natural realm.



He said his townspeople loved and adored him, and served him day and night. This was huge for David, in that he grew up in a household of neglect, and abuse.



David explained how the Dungeon and Dragons game started off as just a board game, then once he had mastered the board game level, he was promoted to the next level, which was Hallucinogenic Drugs or Pharmakia, greek for”witchcraft.” It is a common ancient method of pagan religions all over the world, to enter into the spirit realm or metaverse by taking Phamakia (drugs).



David conveyed that at this stage of the game, you are now one with the game, and it becomes overwhelmingly addicting.



His next level after the Hallucinogenic Drugs phase was Dungeon Master. At this phase, he was introduced to astral travel.  Astral travel is a cultic-witchcraft practice where an individual goes into a deep state of meditation and detaches their soul from their body to travel out and about. David was able to astral travel out of his body, into the mid-evil metaverse he had created.



It was very interesting hearing David explain how he had designed his avatar (metaverse body) to have better hearing, faster speed, stamina, etc..



He literally showed me a diagram rendering of his body, which looked half-animal and half-human.



Though David boasted about the euphoria and self-gratification he experienced in his world, and how he could go into it his metaverse any time he wanted, there lay an ongoing fear and torment within him about his utopian world.



I remember one day we were conversing and I was sharing with Him the Gospel. He listened very respectively and intently. I then warned him that his metaverse was truly demonic.



To my surprise, I got no resistance, or argument from him. He then quietly told me that he had a horrifying experience on one of his journeys to his metaverse, that validated to him without any doubt, that his wonderful world was truly demonic and ruled by satan.



He told me the story that one day walking through his village, he had the thought to put up a Holy cross in the middle of the village town square. He commanded his workers to do so which they did. Upon doing so, the townspeople begin to act very strangely and distant from him.



He said one evening he held a big dinner banquet, and his chef came out and brought him a special dressed-up plate of his favorite foods.



He said he went to get a spoonful of soup, and then he soon realized that he had been poisoned.



He stated the town people, including his closest friends became so hateful and evil, laughing, and mocking him, as he was dying, and wasting away in his metaverse.



He said the betrayal and the evil projected on him, from those he had called his loved ones, was unbearable to his soul, he said it was the worst thing he had ever experienced.



Surprisingly, he said after he had died in his metaverse, and came back to this world, he became homesick, missing the metaverse, and decided to take the risk and venture back again through astral travel. When he arrived, he noticed the Holy cross had been removed and destroyed. Strangely, things had returned back to normal, as if that terrible event never happened.



However, he knew within his heart, that he could never truly trust the villagers again. Having come to grips with this truth was depressing and tormenting to him, knowing his loved ones, were really not loved ones, but demons in virtual costumes.



I wish I could tell you David converted to Christianity, but sadly he chose not to at that time, in that he was not done being god of his own metaverse.



Now back to the digital high-tech metaverse that’s recently been rolled out, though it’s digital and the metaverse is entered in through computer hardware, the concept is the same as the spiritual. The objective is to create an alternative world, outside of God’s world, where the user, becomes like a god.



Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are on record projecting that within 10 years, there will be no need for digital hardware, humans will be wirelessly connected to the metaverse through a digital implant in the brain.



Graphics, smell, touch, and sound will be at a higher-definition frequency than in real life. Developers are predicting that many people won’t ever want to leave their metaverse, in that unlike the real world, they will believe they can control every aspect of their world, again, like God.



Does that mean that Christians should not participate in the metaverse? We know in the ’90s, many felt that way about the internet. We see society has woven the internet into every aspect of life, whether making a doctor’s appointment, job searching, training, or working, the internet is clearly here to stay.



It’s true the internet is being utilized to propagate extreme evil, yet on the other end of the spectrum, the internet has been utilized and is still being utilized as a powerful catalyst to preach the Gospel of Christ, winning countless souls to the Heavenly Kingdom.



Just as Daniel lived in Babylon, and Joseph lived in Egypt, these kingdoms were both very evil and paganistic societies, yet God was still capable to lead them by His Holy Spirit, to bring forth His Glory.



The best advice I can give you, whether you should participate in the metaverse or not, would be the following:



Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall [a]direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6



God Bless

By Evangelist Rayford “Brotha Ray” Johnson


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