GangsLife-Skills FREE-PARENTING E-BOOK teo777December 6, 2020December 17, 2021 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FREE-EBOOK 02.3K00
Watch LaterAdded 11:14 Life-Skills HOW TO MEDITATE ON GOD’S WORD-EASY TECHNIQUE teo777January 22, 2016December 14, 2021 Meditating on God’s Word, core scripture Joshua 1:8 ((( DONATE )))TO… ThugExposed.Org Ministr... 048K2.1K18
Watch LaterAdded 04:31 Life-Skills LIFE & DEATH are in the POWER OF THE TONGUE…PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY-(MASARU EMOTO’S RICE EXPERIMENT) teo777January 15, 2016December 14, 2021 This video will present scientific proof that life and death are truly in the tongue. Proverbs 18:21 Based on: Dr. Masaru Emoto̵... 06.2K1510
Watch LaterAdded 08:29 Life-Skills STOP DEPRESSION NOW!!!..NO MORE PILLS-SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN METHOD teo777January 10, 2016December 14, 2021 Step-by-Step Guide to breaking the curse of Depression. Purchase Ray’s Book: Thug Mentality Exposed: 02.1K690