[Article]-Demon Deliverance of an X- Illuminati Member…Gangsta Rap Artist…”RedRum”…(MOZZY’s HOOD)@ COUNTY JAIL.

There is a very dark spiritual side to the music industry. There are rituals involving the spiritual summoning of demons by vocalists and musicians to obtain rhythms, beats, and lyrics for songs to glorify the kingdom of darkness, in exchange for earthly wealth, power and fame.

The following is the testimony of a former “gangsta” rap artist, who discusses his participation in the Illuminati cult rituals, after he was signed onto a label in Los Angeles, California.

Demon Deliverance of an Illuminati Member

Written by REDRUM (Former Gangster Rap Artist)



Welcome to the ghetto! They call me Big Red formerly Oak Park Blood 916.

And this is my Testimony and Demon Deliverance Amen!

Revelation 12:9

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”



Let’s start my story from where it all went down in 1993 in Sacramento, California-Oak Park 916, when I really fell deep and heavy into the rap game.


The new gangs: F.A.B., Zilla, O.P.B. and the cults, sacrifices, idle worshiping, drug sales, and drug use, weapons, sexual immorality, pimpin, illuminati, gambling, witchcraft, black magic, the whole pagan lifestyle. My whole life had changed in the blink of an eye. I hid it all from my family and friends. I was involved in a secret society.



I became the – Monster- {Samael}- Angel of Death, The Accuser and Destroyer.  So to become part of the entertainment world for the streets and “would be’s” one must first become what one-raps about to gain the respect you need to gain a high volume of record sales.And once that happens you become one with-satan-the devil, then you attract all his millions of followers, for the devil owns the entertainment industries-tv-and radio broadcasting (Ephesians 2:2).


And when you become a slave to satan, evil starts to come after you, and your life becomes a nightmare. The more you become famous, the more everybody in your hood hates you.I ended up in L.A. signing all these record deals with: Rainbow Records, Rap America Entertainment, Big Big Records, B.N.I.T, Zamba, Gillotine Records was my own label I bought and owned.

When I first signed my record deal it was in L.A. at Rainbow Records and that’s when I joined two different pagan cults and they had me doing blood and animal sacrifices and calling on pagan gods.

Then they had me attend all these underground celebrity cult parties and you wouldn’t believe who was there and what there new names were and what they did.

My new pagan name became {FrooBog} for {Black “god”-god of Evil and Darkness}. Everyone at these parties gave up their souls to these pagan gods. And at these parties, any and everything goes down. Once your locked in the party and your introduced to everybody as a new member, we only use our pagan names, then you’re offered up to SIX-Pagan gods.

Six is the number for all pagan gods and worshipers. After that your fed alcohol, pills, e-pills, cocaine, pot, meth, then once your body and soul is full of all those toxins, your soul is ready to show it’s true self, the demons are now ready.

Then the demons started to manifest themselves and our bodies began to shapeshift, and we had orgies and we grew tails and wings and horns, our teeth became sharp and we bit each other.

We became vicious animals. All to go against our real Lord Yeshua(Jesus in Hebrew).


Romans 1:21
for all though they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and there foolish hearts were darkened.


I’ve had a total of 5 projects hit the stores, streets, and online and ring tones:

Redrum-Bi#ch Killa-1996- 5.000 copies sold worldwide.
Redrum-Livin da life of a Hustla-1998- 11.000 copies sold worldwide.
Redrum Relentless 2 da game-2008 – 14.000 copies sold worldwide.
Redrum-Mugs on Mean -2011-17.000 copies sold worldwide
Redrum goes Hollywood-2012-21.000 copies sold worldwide.


I had videos on BET and other video channels, my music is still selling on Amazon, Ebay, iTunes, Youtube, My Space and I’m on over 2000 websites on google through platinum records.


Music never dies, the artists behind the music dies. So while I was living down in L.A. I had got involved with a gang called the Fruit Town Pirus.


I was giving them drugs and guns to bring the hood up as I did my own hood. I always rep Oak Park Blood wherever I went. The blood gangs had a war going on against the Compton Crips and Rollin Sixties Crip gangs and since I was working with Fruit Town Pirus, they were trying to kill me too.


I was staying up on west 500 block of South Centinela Blvd., but I was recording on Santa Monica Blvd and Berkley Street.  So once the rival gangs caught wind of where I was recording, they came after me hard and heavy. They were shooting up my new whip (car), they kept trying to ambush me. I got shot in my right knee, and I said to my girl, it’s time to take a break and go back to Sacramento.



So I went and let my Blood brothas know what was going on and what my plans were, but they didn’t want me to leave. They said they would protect me with their lives.  I said “no”, that I needed a break anyway, I needed time to get my mind right. So I went back to Sac, and when I got their it wasn’t any better. They hated on me and turned against me too. It was just as bad, if not worse.



John 10:10, Yeshua tells us that the Kingdom of Satan is to steal, kill, and to destroy.


So niggas in my hood were hating on me so bad, they were trying to rob me. Trying to kill me, I got into fights almost every day. They really had grown to hate my guts, but I kept producing hot music and going back and forth to prison, because when your about that life, this sin game, death or prison is the only two places for you. (Romans 6:23)



Because practicing sin can open portals within a human soul and body for demons to enter in, like well-trained lawyers, satan and his demons are well versed in God’s laws.



They understand that His law says; For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of Yahweh is eternal life through Yeshua our Lord and Savior.

John 2:16-17



For everything in the world-the craving of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does comes not from the Father but from the world.  And the world passeth away, and thereof; be he that doth the will of God abideth for ever.



So my life didn’t change it only got worse. More money mo problems. More pain and suffering not only for me but for my family. My family and children had become cursed.



All because I had worked for satan and became a monster. I had became {ERNOOBoG} The god of Evil and Darkness; The Black god and I was {Samael} Angel of Death, The Accuser, and Destroyer.  But I kept on rapping and selling drugs and sinning. I was starting to get into a lot of shootouts. Fights all the time, all this right in front of my children and family. Cats kept trying to rob and kill me.



But not only did they want me dead, they were also trying to kill off my name “Redrum” because my name became a household name, and all the girls liked me, and they came to all my shows. I had good fans and bad fans.



It really wasn’t worth all the pain and stress it put on me and my family. I started to hate my own life. But I didn’t know how to change it, so I started smoking a lot of “bomb” (weed) and drinking. Thinking I could somehow dismiss my thoughts. All it did was make me slow and I got caught slipping a few times.



Thats when I was shot in the head at 10 pm February 11, 1996. I knew that was my Lord calling. I should of given up all that sin, I was into the gangs the cults, the pimpin, the music.



Yeshua was calling me back to Him, that’s why He saved me from death.


Luke 9:23 “And he said to all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.



There had been a hit put out on me from a rival gang from L.A.. They were C.C. Crips (Compton Crips). They followed me back from L.A. to Sacramento. I had my girlfriend with me and when I was dropping her off at her grandmothers’ house. They caught me slipping, and one pulled her out the passenger side. And the other one shot me in the head through the driver’s side window.



I never fell unconscious and I never felt any pain. After they shot me they tried to jack me for my whip (car) as proof to what they had accomplished. But I had a hidden toggle switch so they couldn’t start my whip.



I had got out my whip and walked toward her grandmother’s steps. I was leaking blood everywhere. I waited till they left and drove myself to my brother in-laws house. And he drove me to the hospital because by that time I started to go into shock.



Ephesians 4:27

Tells us not to give place to the devil.



But because of my ignorance, pain, and pride and the revenge I felt. I opened up more portal holes for satan to allow more demonic spirits to travel through me.  I knew I was lost and my first mind told me when I’m released from the hospital was to go straight to the first church I could find. And I thank the Lord for saving my life.  But my second mind, the mind of the flesh, and of the devil told me to seek out and destroy. And I think you know which mind I went with!


1 Peter 5:8

Be sober, be vigilant because your advisory the devil, is as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour!



So to make a long story short. I continued to work for my pagan gods and not for Yeshua. A very big mistake, the biggest of my life.  And I continued to make more portal holes. For many more demonic spirits to invade my soul. By getting more tattoos, my face and body are now completely covered with pagan and gang tattoos.



And more piercings, and doing more sacrifices. These are more portals for many more demonic spirits to use to travel into my soul.



Galatians 5:19-21

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.



Evil spirits/demons bring the seed of fruit. Once the seed of sin is planted, more demons (Luke 11:24) come to nurture that seed through temptations, opportunities, negative peers, music, tattoos, piercings, entertainment, false doctrine.



To bring that sinful fruit to fruition. You have to get to the root to the fruit. (Romans 6:23) for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Yeshua (Jesus Christ).


And then I wrote a letter to brother Rev. Rayford L. Jonson and everything in my life changed.



Mark 16:17-18

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


So as Brotha Rayford Johnson placed his hands on me and started the deliverance, I started to convulse and sweat and scratch and beat the table and curse and push the table on Brotha Rayford Johnson with so much force, he had to push the table back on me. I cried out to God, my nose started to bleed, my tattoos burned like fire. He called out all the demons of legions that had been assigned to create and inflict sickness; disease, murder, rape, depression, car accidents, divorce, gangs, substance abuse, drunkenness, murder, strife, hate, anger, lying, pride adultery, false religions, music (secular) witchcraft, lewdness, rebellion, sexual perversion, greed, fornication, guilt, suicide, government (shadow government/illuminati), product creation (clothing), video games(cultic), tv shows, etc… Secret societies, doubt, confusion, insomnia, panic attacks, fear, scandals, pharmaceutical addiction, mind control.



In order for the legions to be successful on their mission, they have to operate within God’s spiritual laws. Now when Brotha Rayford had finished his demon deliverance he asked me how did I feel? And I answered him, I said I feel lighter, I felt cold, I felt like something had been lifted off my heart, I felt good. God is great, Holy, Holy is the Lord of spirits; Amen.



Then I thanked Rev. Brotha Rayford L. Johnson for my demon deliverance. Then he inspired me to write this book about my testimony and demon deliverance which was done through the power of Ruach HaKodesh (Means Holy Spirit in Hebrew). Amen.



So then couple of days went by, then I hear a voice come to me and ask me, was I ready to open the door and come back home to Him. And I said yes Lord of spirits, yes I’m ready, so I felt a presence enter me which I knew was Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).



And Brotha Marcus and I would fellowship with each other as we worked out. I mean I was working out a little already, but nothing on the level at what he was working with.  He knew all the workouts that really get you in tiptop shape. He has me doing everything I hadn’t even thought of. Plus we fellowship with every workout. We work out for Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew), mind, body, soul, and spirit.


It’s nothing like I’ve ever done. It’s all new to me, I knew God had put us together, we both became house workers which made it easy for us to fellowship and work out together.  And I dreamed for three nights straight. And I dreamed of all my past sins, and transgressions from my childhood all the way to my present sins, and I was convinced and convicted of all my sins by Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and He gave all my sins and the transgressions to Yeshua (Jesus) after I had repented all my sins by mouth to Yeshua and then Yeshua had bridged that gap between me and our Father Yahweh(God in Hebrew) through the body and blood of my Savior Yeshua. Amen!



I felt a big weight lifted off my shoulder and my heart. Id gotten rid of that old man and became a baby as everything became new to me. Thats when I met Brotha Marcus Shepard and he was really deep in the Word of God and he grabbed me and had me work out with him.



Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Proverbs 4:7



Brotha Marcus gives me scriptures to read and to learn every day. He is my religious advisor when in need of help in understanding the scriptures. He knows the Bible like the back of his own two hands.



18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20





And one day after me and Brotha Marcus had fellowship and worked out I was reading scripture he gave me. I sat back and looked back on my life and came to the conclusion that I had worked for (Azazel) Satan for so many years I never realized how many sinful things I had done in his name. My soul was lost. I was dead in spirit, and I was dying a slow but painless death.



I was dead in spirit while living in the flesh. That’s crazy now that I know the difference between true life and true death. Now I sit in ——– County Main Jail going back and forth to court.


I’ve been here for quite a few years fighting for my life. I’ve been offered a deal but I haven’t accepted one yet.



 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Revelation 2:10



So as of now Brotha Marcus and I fellowship, pray to our Lord and work out every day except for Sabbath Saturday. We give prayers to the Lord on that day and rest up.



Brotha Rev. Rayford L. Johnson comes and prays over us at least once a month. I feel blessed to have holy people in my life now. I totally stay away from negative people these days.



This book is to reach all those whom are lost and seek Salvation for Jesus Christ is our true and personal Savior.  And my story is for all sinners no matter what race you are or what religion you worship.  And for prisoners across the country, I hope you find peace and faith and hope.



For the world as we know it is coming to an end so I hope you seek change. Because judgement day is coming very soon.
God Bless You all and Ill keep you in my prayers.



So be at peace and I thank God for giving me the chance to tell my story.


The End

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