Ancient Queen of the LGBTQ,… Enchantress,The Diabolical… Rainbow Goddess [Wokeism Exposed]Ancient Queen of the LGBTQ,… Enchantress,The Diabolical… Rainbow Goddess [Wokeism Exposed]

The LGBTQ movement is an ancient movement that is nothing new. It originated in Mesopotamia and Babylon, where the culture worshipped the goddess Enchantress.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has done an exceptional job in exposing the ancient Babylonian roots of this diabolical spirit, aka “Whore of Babylon.” His new book, “The Return of the Gods,” proved to be a great resource for this session.
“Rainbow Goddess”
Enchantress, by her followers, is known as “goddess of the sky, queen of heaven, master of tempests, hurler of lightning bolts, giver of rain.” Here is an ancient Babylonian hymn praising her:
“Loud Thundering Storm, you pour your rain over all the lands and all the people. She directed its every gust, every peal of thunder, and every drop of rain. And, thus, the rainbow was under her lordship and direction.”

An ancient Elamite inscription records her name with a title in front of it—the word, “Manzat.”
Manzat means “rainbow.” The Enchantress invading America is aka “The Rainbow Goddess.” An ancient Babylonian text describes her eyes as multicolored and iridescent. The ancient word is translated as iridescent, which comes from the Latin root iris, which means “rainbow.” Iris is also the name of the Roman goddess of the rainbow. So, as we can see, the rainbow, which is the current brand logo of the LGBTQ movement, is the ancient symbol of Enchantress, on which the LGBTQ doctrine is built.
As with many of the pagan gods and goddesses, her roots come from Babylon; her name, customs, and rituals have been changed and modified throughout the centuries to adapt to various territories and cultures. Enchantress is recognized as the spouse of Baal, a pagan deity mentioned in the Old Testament. Baal serves as the leader among all the demonic pagan gods, all of whom are under the leadership of Satan.
She is also recognized as Ishtar, Asherah, Venus, the Queen of Heaven (as mentioned in Jeremiah 7:18), and the Whore of Babylon in the book of Revelation. Israel faced admonition and punishment from God for worshipping these false pagan goddesses. Venus, in many cult circles, is known as an androgynous demonic deity, the female counterpart to Satan.
A hidden truth in the world of Hollywood paganism is that the peace sign frequently displayed by many celebrities is a homage to “Venus,” symbolizing their allegiance to Satan after making a deal (selling their soul) with him.

Again, this symbol is associated with the female representation of Satan in certain satanic cults.
In the realm of the occult, signs reveal and conceal meanings and I go into more detail about this in my books, “Demon Mentality Exposed” and “Greek Letter Exposed.”
This demonic spirit of Enchantress takes on various forms and commands legions of demons to carry out Satan’s desires. Enchantress is associated with sexual promiscuity, feminism, prostitution, transgenderism, and other forms of sexual perversion. Her followers believe that she possesses the ability to cast spells to make same-sex attractions develop.
Ishtar, also known as Enchantress, was married to Tammuz, an ancient false

husband Tammuz. She was a serial adulteress.
Pagan god, who she was unfaithful to. According to Greek oracles, she was notorious for her infidelity, engaging in serial adultery. She is often depicted naked or in revealing attire. Enchantress is characterized as loud, vengeful, cunningly romantic, proud, seductive, rebellious, and covetous. Ironically, these are the same traits embraced by the “modern-feminist” movement in today’s world.

The Oracles record that she indulges in alcoholic beverages, preferably beer, and would hang out at ale taverns (bars), conjuring up alcohol intoxication with immoral sexuality. In ancient times, going back over 7000 years ago to Mesopotamia, witches were known for brewing beers.
These hags would place spells and curses within the brewing pot, serving up beer as a catalyst to spread curses, spells, and sexual perversion throughout society.
Enchantress was known to have the magical power to “grind” away the masculinity of a man to make him feminine as well as modify a man into a woman, and a woman into a man. Today, emasculation of the male is part of the agenda that the LGBTQ movement is executing with zealousness. It labels and defines man’s God-given masculine role, which is the protector of his wife and family, as “toxic masculinity.”
This movement teaches men and boys to be more expressive of their feelings, to wear softer colors, to like and embrace pink, and to get in touch with their feminine side.
On the other hand, this movement teaches women and girls to become hard-core feminists by encouraging them to hide their emotions with toughness, dress in rugged and more masculine clothing, and assert strength and leadership in the workplace and at home, thus, the term “boss lady” came into being. This trend strongly opposes God’s command for the husband to be the head of the household (Ephesians 5:23).
Gender-bending propaganda aims to confuse humanity and steer them away from their innate gender roles bestowed upon them by God. Its ultimate purpose is to hinder individuals from embracing and actualizing God’s flawless blueprint for their lives, thus, redirecting them toward fulfilling Satan’s malevolent intentions instead. Satan’s chief goal is to corrupt and destroy the souls God loves, the souls He sent His only Son to be brutally crucified for, to redeem and atone for their transgressions against a righteous and Holy Heavenly Father (John 3:16).
Enchantress would perform ” gender-affirming surgery” or sex change surgery on her worshippers. There are actual images engraved on ancient Babylon tablets that show men dancing and praising Enchantress with scalpels in their hands after being voluntarily castrated to switch to a female role in society.
Enchantress had male temple priests that would dress up in female clothing and with makeup, behaving like women. Parents in the community would bring their children to the temple and let these transgender priests dance before them. Does this sound familiar? Yes, these original drag queen shows are promoted to children here in America.
For Enchantress and her followers, the most powerful month of the year to cast spells on the culture is June, namely, June 26th. Interestingly, on June 26th, 2015, the Supreme Court made the monumental ruling to redefine marriage according to their terms and legalize same-sex marriage. Furthermore, all three rulings in favor of the same-sex marriage agenda occurred on June 26th. This is not a coincidence but rather a sinister omen.
A June 26, 2015 decision that favored same-sex marriage rights aligned with the two big decisions that set up the Obergefell case.
On June 26, 2003, a divided Court said in Lawrence vs. Texas that a Texas law that made it a crime for two persons of the same sex to engage in intimate sexual conduct was deemed unconstitutional.
And on June 26, 2013, a divided Court in United States v. Windsor said that the Defense of Marriage Act (or DOMA) was unconstitutional as a “deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that the Fifth Amendment protects.”
In this present time of American history, the United States has forsaken its allegiance to God and succumbed to this ancient Enchantress spirit’s alluring, deceptive influence. This Babylonian spirit, also known as “The Great Whore of Babylon,” has resurfaced and is more aggressive than ever.
The spell of Enchantress has cast her diabolical spells on America—witchcraft, New Age, sexual perversion, gender-bending, and abortion are a growing epidemic, and there are no signs of these evils slowing down.
The Enchantress’ territorial Rainbow flag has been hoisted in this nation, and her enchantment has been unleashed upon humanity, spreading like a contagious epidemic.
Unfortunately, mainstream America, including our government, has tragically embraced this detestable spirit, and God’s prophetic wrath is imminent.
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
Ephesians 5:6-7
America has defiantly legislated sins against God into categorial “human rights.”
As foretold in the Bible, this is the spirit of the “Great Whore of Babylon,” which scripture states that the entire world has indulged in and become intoxicated by the abominations of her cup (Revelation 18). The following are a few examples of the wicked manifestations of the Enchantress spirit within our society:
- Same-sex attraction/Homosexuality/Lesbianism/Transgenderism
Adultery/Fornication/Sexual Promiscuity
Craving for Alcohol, especially Beer.
Vindictive Behavior
Drag Queens
The Emasculation of men and boys
The Masculinizing of women and girls
Witchcraft/New Age
Substance Addiction
It’s ironic that the LGBTQ organization, led by the demonic spirit of Enchantress, encourages its followers to be filled with and emboldened by pride. Pride is a sin that is repeatedly referenced as extremely infuriating to God. The sin of pride is listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 as one of the most detestable sins God hates the most. The LGBTQ organization willingly operates and openly associates itself with the word “pride.”
The LGBTQ movement has gained so much momentum that it transitioned from having a “pride” day to having a whole “pride” month. Pride is the same wicked sin that led God to wipe out the entire population of the earth, except for Noah’s family, because of Noah’s obedience (Genesis 6:5-7).
God hates pride so much that He tells us to hate it too:
The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
Proverbs 8:13
God marked the rainbow as a new covenant with humanity, out of His love and mercy for us, as a reminder that He would never again destroy the earth by flood (Genesis 9:13). However, the LGBTQ movement has desecrated the meaning of God’s creation of the rainbow, making it a symbol for every form of sexual perversion.
The Enchantress spirit willingly serves Satan, and her ultimate goal is to lure humanity away from God, leading them towards eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15).
God, in His Word, has pleaded with humanity to separate themselves and come out from amongst the diabolical spirit of the Enchantress.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelations 18:4
Can A Believer Be Possessed By The Enchantress Spirit?
Can a demon possess a Christian? Can the spirit of Enchantress possess a Christian believer? Demon possession of a Christian is controversial in the mainstream church. According to God’s Word, let me now bring some understanding on this topic.
The Bible tells us that we are body, soul, and spirit.
…and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
Our soul navigates our body, which is influenced by our spirit. We are born with a sinful spirit, which came through the spiritual gene pool of Adam and Eve after they transgressed against God’s laws. That spirit influences the soul (the mind, will, and emotions). Since natural birth, the sinful, corrupt spirit of death has dwelled in all of humanity at one time. It has been on a continuous mission with demons to deploy negative, sinful thoughts into one’s mind—to influence and manipulate one’s emotions so that their will, comes into agreement with Satan’s will.
This is why we must be born-again with a new, incorrupt spirit. So we can carry out God’s will for our lives (1 Peter 3:4). Once we obtain our new spirit through this “born-again” experience, the Spirit of Christ, now within you, will influence the soul to carry out God’s perfect will for your life. Christ’s Spirit renews one’s mind through God’s Word (Holy Bible), which enables us to know what is true, false, acceptable, and impermissible.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3
Now let’s discuss the Spirit component. The Spirit of a “Born Again” believer cannot be corrupted according to God’s Word, therefore the Spirit of a Christian cannot be possessed by evil.
But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
1 Peter 3:4
The spirit is just one component of the human; there are two more components, as referenced in 1 Thessalonians 5:23
Once again, we have the soul, which comprises the following subcomponents: mind, emotions, and will. The will serves as the crucial element within the soul that we will focus on. God has given us free will to either follow His will or not.
Ephesians 4:27 instructs us not to give place to the Devil. How do we give place to Devil? By sinning and taking our own selfish path in life, by following our own will and not God’s.
When we give place to the Devil through disobedience to God, it can open a spiritual door or “place” within the soul for demonic forces to enter in and gain influence and control. Once access to the soul is granted, demons can access the body and deploy curses in that region, such as inflicting pain, sickness, disease, and even death.
A Christian’s spirit is guided by the Holy Spirit, who dwells within the believer. According to God’s Word, the body is considered the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we are advised not to grieve Him. When a follower of Christ allows demons entry through sinful living, it grants them spiritual permission to reside within one’s body and soul, hindering the work of the Spirit and causing grief to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, while demons can possess a Christian’s body and soul, they cannot possess their “Born Again” spirit.
Many people from the LGBTQ community have come to our ministry asking for deliverance after they had repented for their wayward lifestyles.
You may know someone affected by the influence of demonic LGBTQ spirits, such as Enchantress. Perhaps you yourself feel trapped, and hopeless, and believe there is no way out. Some theories propose that individuals are born with same-sex attraction, transgender dysphoria, or other non-conforming identities.
I believe that generational curses can affect biology and be passed down through the gene pool, manifesting as alcoholism, phobias, and mental illness.
I believe soul ties formed through sexual immorality can lead to demonic oppression and even possession by the sexually deviant spirits of the Enchantress.
When I talk about STDs, I’m not just talking about sexually transmitted diseases, but also sexually transmitted demons.
As someone who ministers in deliverance and has worked with individuals of the LGBTQ community as a retired correctional counselor, I have listened to their stories of pain, abuse, confusion, rejection, and depression. I have come to believe and understand that some individuals are born with these innate struggles, so I emphasize their need to be “born-again.”
Jesus explained that unless one is born-again, one cannot enter God’s kingdom (John 3:3).
In conclusion, Yeshua (Jesus) taught that a demon can possess a believer in the following passage.
43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. (Matthew 12:43-45)
In this setting, Jesus brings up the issue of deliverance, stating, “When the spirit has gone out of a man,” this only happens through Salvation. Then, He warns that if the demon comes back later and “findeth it empty,” meaning the righteousness of God has vacated the soul of the believer as a result of sinful living. Then that demon will return with seven more wicked demons than himself.
Am I saying that every time we sin, a demon enters? No, I am not. Whether we realize it or not, we often sin in our thoughts and attitudes. However, demon possession can happen when a Christian gives a willful place to habitual sin and is unrepentant about it.
Here is a link that will take you to a prayer for Salvation and Deliverance. This prayer is for those ready to surrender their lives to a loving Heavenly Father by accepting His Son, Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ), as their Lord and Savior.