How To Bless Your Food & Beverages-Pdf Download


God tells us in His Word that “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” Many people, including Believers, have severe food allergies and digestive issues; many are lactose intolerant. I’ll never forget, working along with my pastor at a Healing and Deliverance conference in California, my pastor Fernando Perez obtained a Word of Knowledge that there were people in the room suffering from digestive issues and lactose intolerance due to they had consumed food and beverages, which they did not bless. He explained that they had been inflicted with these ailments because they had consumed food and beverages which had been cursed. He led them through a corporate prayer of repentance and renouncing, and then suddenly, a few individuals began to manifest, which looked like soap suds Page 4 bubbling up out of their mouths. Then they began spitting and vomiting. Pastor Fernandez had called out witchcraft to come out of them, and it did, right out of their mouths. Many reported being healed from their ailments that night. The message in this book is to bring spiritual education and awareness on how humanity can give place to the enemy and how God’s Word gives us hope, faith, and a promise that we cannot only bless and safeguard our food and beverages but also be healed and delivered from past afflictions from cursed food. My prayer is that you share the good news in this book with your loved ones and those whom the Holy Spirit leads you to.

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