New: Phone- Demon Deliverance & Healing Testimony



Dear Evangelist Ray,
I appreciate God’s kindness and thoughtfulness in intersecting our paths.
I was crying to God for assistance because of spiritual harassment. I was doing everything I knew and seeing limited results, so I was becoming weary, impatient and discouraged. I was giving in to victim mentality, setting aside my confidence and conceding ground.


I was starting to fear that things wouldn’t change. I was becoming timid in my own home. I was listening to accusations and condemnation and feeling drained because of it.


That’s when I came across by an internet search for deliverance ministries or watching testimonies on YouTube. As I watched the testimonies my faith began to be built up. I became encouraged again about God’s Absolute ability to deliver anyone including me and my family. I called the ministry line and was so grateful that you returned my message!
The Lord was had been preparing me a couple days prior by bringing certain things to my memory like my grandma’s former involvement with Eastern Star, and I came across my father and grandfather’s death certificates. Both had been violently murdered.


My father was stabbed in the throat at 28 years old, and my grandfather died after he was attacked with a blow to the head. Initially I thought the issue was with my husband. I was sitting with resentment toward him for bringing certain movies, books, or music in our home, but it came to my attention that he wasn’t the only one who had open doors. I opened doors too. I was humbled and to be honest surprised. I’d already been set free from so much that I didn’t think I had anything else to get rid of. After I realized this you returned my call.


By The Lord’s leading you too directed my attention away from my husband and toward my family history and involvement with things that opened me up to be harassed. That was my confirmation that I needed to let The Lord work in me some more.


You instructed me to take some time to be still before The Lord and allow Him to show me what I needed to repent and renounce. You encouraged me to trust The Holy Spirit to reveal what only He knows rather than rely on my own understanding or memory. I was a little surprised by what came up. It wasn’t the “big” things, but simple matters of the heart. I needed to let go of my resentment forgive. Wow.


I renounced and repented of offense, holding grudges (unforgiveness), shame, judgement against others, criticism, blame, doubt, and fear to name a few then I called back for prayer. Before we began you mentioned casting my cares upon The Lord, and sure enough I had been worried and anxious in my heart. After I cast worry, anxiety and fear upon The Lord by faith you began to pray for me.


Prior to prayer I started feeling nervousness, apprehension and uneasiness. It didn’t seem like it was coming from me. It seemed outside but inside at the same time. You explained that the evil spirits were getting uneasy because they were about to be evicted from the premises (my paraphrase).


Also when you first began praying I experienced a feeling that I haven’t felt in years. I felt like I was detaching. Also known as disassociation. It feels as if your mind is floating or separating away from yourself. It’s very weird, distracting, and very uncomfortable I hadn’t experienced that in a very long time, so I was tempted to be afraid and maybe stop prayer. By God’s grace I was able to resist the fear and reject panic.

You began to pray and by word of knowledge called out very specific spiritual issues accurately. You spoke against spirits in the lower back, pain, spine, rheumatoid arthritis, feet, yoga, and seduction in the eyes. In the past I operated in a spirit of seduction. When I looked at people it often felt like I was casting a spell on them just by looking at them. It was like I was mesmerizing or drawing them in. I could feel it and sometimes intentionally exercised it. Even when I wasn’t trying to it would sometimes operate through me. Even though I had a great deliverance from this already l still cried out to God because I felt like something lingered. I hated it to the point of disgust, but at times still felt it pulling at me.


So, when you commanded seduction to exit through the eyes I knew it was God! Also, you called out hatred and other related spirits like murder. This was true. I knew it was absolutely true. The Lord directed you to break it or cast it out and it resonated with me as accurate. I could also feel a reaction internally.


Several times while you were praying It felt like something was stuck in my throat. It felt like a burp was trying to get out, and at that moment you’d say come out of the throat! And whenever you said come out of the eyes! My eyes spontaneously opened up. Sometimes when you called out things pertaining to violence and hate I noticed my facial expression became disapproving or slightly oppositional. Other times while calling out trauma and associated spirits I felt perplexed and was saying “oh no” like with a sigh of exasperation or concern or something. Other times I felt vulnerable like a child. I wasn’t intentionally reacting. It just happened, yet I didn’t feel externally controlled by anything so it was odd.


Many of the ailments that were called out are things that I’ve suffered from for a long time. Later you called out panic attacks and associated spirits. Shame kept trying to disrupt deliverance but you’d already mentioned shame before we prayed so I resisted it and stayed in agreement. Many times I exhaled feeling more relived each time, but there was still blockage. You instructed me to pray in the Holy Spirit and as I did a greater release came! Tears flowed and more freedom was granted to me.


Thank you for also teaching me how to fight and stand with God’s Word. You shared vital information about the power of agreements and ways I was giving up legal ground by my mouth and basically relinquishing territory. It made practical sense to me that I could put in practice. After we hung up I began passing a lot of gas, and also burping. I was so grateful because I could feel more freedom increasing and a lot of peace. I kept smiling and felt God’s love and care. As I looked up I sensed that tall angels of God were nearby and in the room with me. Here I am now so happy and grateful and ENCOURAGED to continue in faith and power and victory.


I was not prepared for the next couple of days. The next day felt like a dream. If I hadn’t had call history, then I may not have believed anything happened. It literally felt unreal. A couple of times I wondered if we had really prayed, and even looked at my phone to check. It was weird and the days immediately following were very difficult. I was attacked with intense fear and a threat against peace of mind. I thought something was wrong, but on the other hand I suspected that it was the enemy trying to get me to give up and surrender to bondage again.


By God’s grace I kept resisting and proclaiming my freedom and quoting scripture over my life and mind and spirit. I received some encouragement that God was with me and the threats were empty. They were just attempts to get me to get in agreement so they’d have access, but by God’s grace I persisted in rejecting the lies and standing in Truth.
I am free! The harassment has stopped, and I am determined to continually fill my spiritual house with God’s Word to maintain freedom and gain more ground. Ultimately my hearts desire is to share with others the freedom God has granted to me. I’m not afraid anymore. I walk through my house with courage and confidence and my heart knows that “I don’t have to be afraid anymore”


God bless you so much! Thank you for sharing with me and so many others! I will definitely tell others about this ministry and also pray for you all.


Many many thanks to God and blessing toward you and your family both natural and spiritual Brother Evangelist Ray.
Your little sister in Christ



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