Overcoming The Spirit of Suicide [Concludes With Deliverance-Prayer] Safeguarding You & Family

This Powerful video will Explain the diabolical and crafty tactics of the Spirit of Suicide and How to Overcome these demons with the Power of Christ! Through Prayer and God’s Word (Holy Bible). The session Concludes with a Powerful Demon-Delivarance Prayer by an anointed Pastor. Safeguard you and your family from the Spirit of Suicide with this anointed revelation from God’s Word.
Pastor Joshua Okpara
YouTube – @joshuaookpara
Instagram- @joshua_o_okpara
Free Pdf. @: https://www.thugexposed.com/demon-mentality-exposed-free-ebook-download/
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Demon Mentality Exposed-[Full Audio Book]
Youtube Audiobook Version: https://youtu.be/pdDCoCojkbk
Demons are real! They work in tandem with humanity’s free will to cause sicknesses, violence, crime, tragedies, mental illnesses, etc.. This book will give you a deep understanding of the mentality of demons through the narrative of an experienced demon deliverance minister. Rayford Johnson is a former Correctional Counselor and author of Thug Mentality Exposed who counsels and ministers healing and demon deliverance at correctional facilities, “the streets”, online, YouTube, phone prayer-line, conferences, and residential settings. Learn how to safeguard yourself and your loved ones from demonic oppression, possession, and curses through the power of Jesus Christ.
Purchase Kindle/Paperback on Amazon:https://a.co/d/0AQ8gOp

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