STRUGGLE W/DEMONS??? THiS iS A MUST WATCH!!! #xmenno #joejoe

Welcome back to another Xmenno episode! where special guest, Pastor Rayford Johnson, shares his story of hope and redemption. In this online interview, Pastor Rayford dives into his story and brings a POWERFUL Prayer of deliverance towards the end! If you are struggling with demons, they will yeet outta there! they have no dominion over you, you are a child of God.

To contact Pastor Rayford Johnson go to:


XMENNO – Our Purpose: To glorify God in everything we say and do, to be wise stewards of all resources entrusted to us.

To create high quality videos in the future, we need investors! Our goal is to start doing in person interviews so we can step away from the lower quality screen recordings via (zoom, google meet ect..) Link to give below:

I am stepping out in faith to ask you to give what is on your heart, You make each one of these videos possible, even by sharing the story’s with someone you love.

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Venmo – @joejoexm

0:00 Intro
2:00 Rayford’s Childhood
2:45 Bad Batch of Weed
3:10 The effect of the gang culture
4:15 How Rayford found God
9:05 Good At Photography
10:20 Almost Died
14:15 Prophetic calling
14:30 Casting demons Out!!
15:40 How do we overcome demons?
18:30 Prayer of deliverance
26:05 Outro & Acknowledgements

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