“When I was on stage something came over me. It was like nowadays, Beyonce says she has Sasha Fierce,” said former R&B artist Jacque LaRue.Jacque was a member of LaRue, a rising R&B group back in the late 1980s, discovered by producer and musical artist Jay King.

Jacque told this interviewer of her reoccurring paranormal experience.“At the time I wasn’t saved, so I didn’t understand it. I got on stage; we were singing Tell Me Something Good, so I had a lead. I could sense I was not myself. Something came over me, it was almost like I went to sleep and woke up…quickly. I got on stage, I grabbled the mic and I started to go forth, and when I went forth I changed into this person.

It was a mental transition, it was an awakening, it’s like you walked into one room, then you walked into another and everything was different, you knew you were different, and you kind of liked it, because you were beyond yourself. You were bolder, you weren’t afraid any more. It was more than an adrenaline rush. It stayed with me through the whole concert, until I finished that song and then I sensed it dying down. It was really, really bizarre. That spirit was common for that area, for L.A., that club atmosphere.”Jacque was born and raised in Sacramento, California. She comes from a very musical background.“I knew I would make it,” she says.

She even prophesied to friends and family in her teenage years that she would be one day limo driven in New York City. This became a reality in 1987, when the group was booked for a record signing in the world famous Harlem Record Shack, a record store across the street from Harlem’s famed Apollo Theatre. Their song Can’t Hold On, off the Penitentiary III movie soundtrack, was steadily moving up the charts in New York City during that era.

It was at this time, God would start to open up Jacque’s eyes to the true reality of Hollywood. Not a Christian at the time, Jacque described herself as a worldly, angry and mentally unstable young woman.
“I carried guns, I had a 357 magnum in my car.” When this interviewer asked why?, Jacque responded, “I was just crazy, I had a lot of anger in my life, I was very angry, a lot of suppressed anger, a lot of hurt.”Jacque had encountered numerous negative encounters with some self-proclaimed Christians during her teenage and young adult years.

“Oh, I hated them. Oh, I hated Christians. To be real, I hated them because they judged me. I was a tomboy in a sense, I loved guys, but I liked to be athletic. I was very athletic in school, at home and I just loved sports. I hated the term ‘tomboy’ and I always wore jeans. So I went to a couple of churches with some family friends. They were real traditional churches and when they saw me wearing pants, folks just frowned up at me. Folks wouldn’t even want to talk to me. I would come up to them and be smiling, because I’m a very friendly person. I would walk up to them ready to introduce myself, and they would kind of just turn away from me, like they were better than me.”

The portal of “Hellywood” would literally open up it’s satanic mouth wide-open to the members of Sacramento’s LaRue, with a lucrative offer of wealth and fame, soon after the record signing in Harlem. Hear it from Jacque’s own words:“I was hanging out with Tina Marie and Klymax, and the manager of Klymax was there, and a couple other actresses and actors were there. We were invited to the manager of Kymax’s house in L.A. She had this beautiful home that was overlooking the hills, her window displayed the view of L.A., it was beautiful.”

“She started talking about the sun, the moon and the stars.“This went on for some time. At a certain point during her talk, themed around sorcery and witchcraft, Jacque conveyed that the woman mysteriously paused, and an aura of a devilish charm was spell-bound upon her and it was as if it saturated and possessed her eyes.

“The way she looked at us, was ‘like I’m inviting you, I want you to come and I want you to stay.’” At this time Jacque said her friend (fellow group member) and roommate who was a Christian, yet obviously not living it, saw a very evil presence on the woman. Her friend said to her, ‘We are in trouble, we have to leave now.'”

Her friend, who was scared and disturbed by the encounter, started praying fervently when they got back to their apartment.“So we go to sleep and I wake up in the middle of the night, because I have this crazy dream.” Jacque goes on to explain, “That dream was a dream of an orgy. There were guys, girls, demons, it was beyond real. I saw the demon manifestations in the orgy. It was beyond words. I can’ t even describe the fear, it was real and I knew it was my future.”  These things happen in Hollywood, I asked?

“All the time, all the time, it’s a norm, but I was never a part of it, but I was going to, they were introducing me to it,” she said. “The enemy was preparing me for that, not to mention, Satan had already spoken in my mind that I was not going to live to be 30. You couldn’t convince me that it wasn’t going to happen.”

“We had these Christian folks come up, a Christian couple, Rodney and Felicia Willis and Deborah Willis. They arrived at our apartment at 12 midnight.” They had initially came all the way from Sacramento to witness and pray for their male roommate, who was a music producer in the business. “They start praying for him and a demon manifest in him.”

Jacque described that the man was growling, convulsing and vomiting. “Finally the devil comes out of him, and he was different, his demeanor was different, everything about him was different and when he got up, he looked at me differently.”

“So they started getting into a circle. They said ‘Jacque, would you like prayer?’ This is like the
second time Christian folks asked if I wanted prayer, and I’m thinking yeah, you’re going to pray for me, then you’re going to sleep with me, what?”

“I was really angry, I was depressed, I had issues.” I said, ‘sure, whatever,’ so I got into the prayer circle, and Deborah Willis started praying. She said, ‘if there is anyone here that would like to receive Christ into their life, the time is now! ‘ And I heard a voice, and it was Jesus. He said, ‘the time is now’ and he said it so sweet and so kind, and I opened my eyes and said ‘It’s time!’ They smiled, it was my time, I was waiting for this time.”

“I prayed the sinner’s prayer, then they started laying hands on me and praying for me. Now what I was doing physically, I don’t know,” but where my spirit went, I left and I had a vision.The first vision, I was no longer in the room with them, I went somewhere else. I felt my spirit leave my body to another dimension and it was a vision, it was a very clear vision, and I was in the middle of a street and I was watching myself getting into a vehicle. I had already made it, I saw it, I was rich, I was big time, everybody knew who I was.”

Then I looked at myself, and I saw L.O.S.T. written on my forehead and I thought ‘wow,’ then all of a sudden, I don’t know what type of transition it was, it felt like I popped into another vision and this vision was dark. Like dark, but you could touch it, it was tangible darkness, like you could move it with your fingers. It was dreadful and fear came over me, it was a fear of separation, it was a fear that I never, ever, ever want to experience again. It was hell, I knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. If you die and go to hell, your first torment is separation from God. I said, ‘Lord please don’t ever show me that vision again, I don’t ever want to experience that again in my entire life.'”

“The third vision was a vision of Heaven. It was Jesus, and He was ushering me through Heaven. He showed me what looked like a sea, but it was people, it was so vast, innumerable and he said, ‘These are the people you will touch, if you serve me.’Right after Jesus spoke those words, Jacque says her spirit was immediately transported back into the apartment. “People were praying for me, it was no longer strange to me, I was one with them.””I had this urgency to get back to Sacramento. I had a craving to get into God’s Word. I had an insatiable hunger to get in God’s Word. ‘Go home, go home,’ was just all in me. There is no description of the joy of the Lord, it’s amazing.”

Jacque LaRue is serving the Lord now as an evangelist and owns a gospel music label with her sisters called La Rue Records: moprayermopower@gmail.com.

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