Personal Testimonials

Demon Deliverance (Mental Torment)-County Jail


Dearest Brotha Ray,                                        

   First and foremost God Bless you and thank for everything that you do and for deciding to see me back at R.C.C.C. in “J” Barracks 1/28/18!

I wanted to send you a letter (Not My Testimony Yet) simply just to check-in with you to let you know where I am at in life and partially a little bit of my background.

   Once again thank you for coming to see me and for praying over me that prayer of Salvation and Deliverance.  I’m not sure how Brother Francis Moore chose you, but it was exactly what I needed.  In fact, I’m getting the chills right now thinking about how spot on and accurate he was in his decision in speaking with you to come see me.


Even with everything, you prayed for, for me to be delivered from, was completely accurate.  It’s like you had already known me and knew exactly what to pray.  I know now that God speaks directly to people and I’m starting to believe that everything, happens according to God’s intricate plan for certain people.  I know that I did not exhibit some of the more graphic deliverances I have read about in your book, but something definitely changed in me and it was noticeable while you were praying over me.  One of those things was my body became extremely hot, and the heat came all the way from the soles of my feet and slowly moved up throughout my body to my head and ears were it became the most intense and then left.  I had started crying after you had left “J” Barracks that day.  Also, the amount of clarity I had was the most and clearest I can remember in a very long.

Another prayer that was answered right away was this…… I asked God where do I start with reading the Bible because I’ve always heard how important God’s Word is.  I didn’t know where to start, and in the past reading, the Bible has been somewhat a daunting and overwhelming task…. And literally later that same day, My prayer was answered through page 57, in Chapter 11 of your Demon Deliverance Book (Demon Mentality Exposed).  It gives instructions on how and where to start reading the Bible.  And so something that has changed for me or within me is I consistently read the Bible now every day.  I’ve been reading for the past month now (I know it’s such a short amount of time.) every single day not missing a day!

Anyways look….there is so much more I would like to discuss with you in person…I need to discuss with you in person.  I really feel like God is calling me to do what you do or to be a part of your team.  I have so many questions still and so much more I would like to share with you.  Please come to see me one last time, please.  I know you’re a busy man.  I’m sure you get requests like this all the time, but I really need some more insight on some things.  I need some instructions.  I’m in my Word every day.  I talk with God every day.  I would like to mentor underneath you.  Even if it’s byways of correspondence.  I want to grow in Christ.  Please help me.  I won’t ask you see me again while I’m locked up, but maybe you could see me in Tracy before they send me somewhere further it not, it’s ok too.  But there is just so much more I’d like to discuss/ask you about, that would be just inadequate through mail.


Please mentor me.  I’m willing to do whatever.  Please help me to grow in Christ.  I am completely serious.  I don’t want to wait until I get out.  I want to know.  I’ve already started on my own through what your book teaches, but I need more…… Please, Brotha Ray…. I’m begging you.  I’m sorry to bother you, but I eagerly await your response.

In Yeshua Hamashia’s Holy Name, God Bless you.

Humbly and Gratefully,


Deliverance from Demonic Spiritual Clothing & Jewelry 

(Demonic & Symbolic)

Bless the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endures forever.  I received the mercy of God from the deliverance prayer with brother Ray.  I thank God for using this man for great counsel and ministry of healing.

The Holy Spirit led us into a new topic at our last meeting.  That night brother Ray said.  “ We will be breaking the chains from demonic tattoos.  Not just tattoos from ink on the skin but any that left a (demonic spiritual) mark by the clothes, jewelry, and other demonic materials you might have had.

After he had said this the Spirit of God immediately revealed in flashes all the things that marked me.  Clothing that symbolized death and drugs.  Gold chains and rings with idols on them.  Even stones that are said to be for healing, power, energy, and peace but were actually used for sorcery.

Those stones and pieces used for pharmakia marked me like tattoos from a demonic covenant.  I know that sounds crazy, but let me explain this to you plainly.  Cannabis is psychoactive which means it affects the mind or behavior.

So by allowing this to affect me, I was given in to all of these things.  This wasn’t our first prayer of deliverance, but as believer’s, we must remember it’s not always a one-time thing.  With that being said, I confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior.  Submitting all to God, focused on the cross, and praying in the Spirit I received deliverance.  As brother Ray was praying, I felt a sharp pain of needles around my neck, my hands started moving on the inside and then fell asleep.  The prayer pulled these things off me, all the pain gone, I felt light and joyful.  We finished and I glorified God!


J Lane



Healed Neck-County Jail



Brotha Ray

    First of all, I would like to thank God for the blessing that you bring to me and our group in our pod.  Brotha Ray I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have you and how much of a presence you make each time you come and give a Deliverance of Demon mentality, I find it very educational to me to hear you and prayers of  (Yeshua Hamishia=Jesus Christ) used very heavy in our sessions.  The counseling I get from Brotha Ray is priceless. 

I know this not for everybody, but to hear him talk about the bigger pictures of what is going on not just inside but on the outside also as well, like evil spirits and demons, and family curses, how do we break away, very hopeful.

  Just like today, we had a session with Brotha Ray and as he prayed over each one of us his Deliverance prayer, he asked from each one what we wanted him to pray for mine was my neck, it had been sore and when we were done,  I felt the work of the Holy Spirit go to work in me, thank you, Jesus.

So I just want to thank you, Brother Ray, for putting others first before yourself.  Just like God asked.

God Bless you and your Deliverance Ministry, you are a warrior for the Lord, you have inspired me.

Brother John


Anthony’s Demon Deliverance (Jail)

November 1st, 2017, I Anthony C.  received a visit from Mr. Rayford after formally meeting each other we began discovering why I wanted him to pray for and over me and what kind of things were going on in my life.

I began telling Brother Rayford about seeing people around me transform from one person to another before my very eyes. Now when I get upset and angry, I feel as if something else takes over my body and I became a passenger inside my own body. When this happens I feel the power and strength this other being releases and the more I hit someone or feed that anger the stronger it’s power becomes. At times I would give into my anger to the point that this being would actually take over and I would black out.

Mr. Rayford began telling me that all these things are in fact demonic forces interacting with me. He then began breaking down the ways these beings get inside you as well as how they obtain the authority to be there and dominate you by the behaviors and practices of our day to day life. These practices and behaviors vary from lustful thoughts, adultery, drug abuse, tattoos and actively participating in gangs. As I am being informed of these things my eyesight begins to darken and something inside of me kept trying to get me to leave, but I deeply desired to see this through.

At that time Brother Rayford started praying for legions, many legions of angels to enter the room so that they may bind the demons and cast them back into hell. I then felt a light presence around me and another heavy and hollow presence within my body. While Mr. Rayford prayed for specific things like lust, abandonment, guilt, anger, depression, mental illness, ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar, drug abuse, adultery…..etc…

I could see inside my mind< for I had my eyes closed, head bowed> these demons and demonic beings opened their eyes and looked in the direction Mr. Rayford was praying from. Some of those beings were released instantly, others held on long but I noticed that as they were being released either by disappearing, being dragged away or thrown into the fire, I kept feeling pressure being released from my body.

Some of these demonic beings were released through my sweat from within my armpits but it was not the feeling of normal sweat but felt as if it were a serpent. 

Numerous times Brother Rayford asked me how I was feeling and my response was “lighter” and I was able to direct him where in my body these beings had tried to gather and manifest. Brother Rayford then prayed over those areas and I continuously felt lighter and more release from these tormentors. This cycle continued a few times until I felt a complete whole body lightness. Mr. Rayford then asked me how I felt and all I could say was: “I feel like I am floating in the air.” Brother Rayford began laughing joyfully and I joined in and he prayed that God keeps me in his good graces and anoint me with His Holy Spirit and allow me to feel His love, His joy, His forgiveness, and asked for more love, more joy, more love, more joy. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing and smiling for I kept feeling a flood of these emotions running through me.

Mr. Rayford then asked that God equipped me with his armor and Mr. Rayford began reciting each piece of the Armor of God the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Sandals of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Holy Spirit. And as Brother Rayford prayed that God equipped me with these things, I felt a belt wrap around my waist, a breastplate or vest cover my chest and upper body including my back, shoes or sandals being slid on to my feet, a shield on my left arm with a heavyweight. I felt a sword appear into my hand < right hand >then disappear and reappear onto my hip as if it were holstered and I also felt a helmet placed upon my head, then be lifted off and turned into a halo that floated above my head.

Mr. Rayford then asked how I felt again and I told him exactly how all the Armor felt around me. He then said glory be to God and asked me to praise God which we both began doing together.

After one last prayer of strength as well as protection, Brother Rayford and I said our goodbyes and I returned to my pod. As I returned to my pod I still felt the weight and the presence of the Armor of God and also felt lighter and inside felt whole and clean. That night I slept beautifully.

Hey, Brother Ray hope this letter serves its purpose in giving glory to God and the work of his people. Hopefully, this helps touch many lives God Bless you. Also if you got time please send the two books that you had mentioned thank you. Please keep me in your Churches prayers.

Anthony C.
Xref: 4037XXXX


County Jail-Maximum Security Side (California)
Hello, my Brother, this is your good friend T—- writing you. I had such a blessing visit from you today my spirit is overfilled with peace and love.

You see growing up I been abused physically, sexually and mentally. So I grew up with a lot of fear in my life. And the meth I was using was making me more afraid, but that’s not all. If I was to make a list, it would go on and on. the devil had his chains wrapped around me.

Then I met you brother, you broke the chains through prayer and deliverance with the power of the Holy Ghost. When I bowed my head and you were praying for me I felt the devil inside of me moving around throughout my whole body.

I started shaking just like when I feel fear or afraid I prayed for the devil along with the power of the demons to leave my soul. Then finally I felt the demons come out and the Holy Spirit was able to fully enter my mind and body. That’s when the tears of hurt and pain and fear came pouring out.

Then at last with the Holy Spirit entering completely within me, those tears of hurt, pain, guilt, and fear turned into tears of joy, love, peace, and forgiveness.

Rayford, I just want to say thank you for your visit. You have truly blessed me with the power of the Holy Spirit. God is real and Satan is real. And this life is a constant battle between God and Satan. But today I surrender my self completely to God. Now since I know how to use my sword of the spirit, I can conquer and overcome Satan and his demons.

I know my journey with God has just begun. But I’m not going to give up on god. God loves me and He wants me to be in Heaven with Him one day. This life is only temporary.

The devil will try his hardest to steal my soul and pull me into his lust but in Jesus Name I resist! Be gone! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Rayford if you have time, please come visit me again and pray for me some more. Thank you, my Brother, and thank you, Jesus.
T. S.


Jail Deliverance Testimony- Stephanie: Delivered from Tattoo Curse, Mental Torment & Nose Healed-from Cocaine Damage.
Sacramento County Jail 3/15/17


“Deliverance from Tattoos, Night Terrors and Nose Healed from Damage from Cocaine Addiction”

My name is Stephanie and Reverend Rayford Johnson came to Sacramento County Jail and as we talked I told him the areas where I needed deliverance and help to overcome.

Being afraid not being able to go to sleep: Fighting my sleep and my tattoos, I have two lustful naked/half-naked women and one a human form gargoyle: ones on my side, the other on my forearm. My other tattoos some are of astrology some on my hand and on my neck along with a name of my ex who has done some pretty terrible things to me even cheating and what not…

I always hate how people comment on them and it puts a bad image on me, like they don’t see me just my tattoos.

Now we begin to pray and rebuke and calling out the names and naming my problem spirits and I felt an urge to kinda like brush my arm with the tattoos on it with my other arm and when I went to do that I looked and my arm where the gargoyle is from her down to my hand was hot glowing red; like a metal when someone welds after they pull that piece of metal out of the furnace, how it glows a red hot glow burning, thats what my arm looked like and like I stated before I swept or brushed it away with my other hand. 

Immediately after that I felt afraid, an eerie spirit was bothering me causing movement in my hair and around my neck area that I touched and grabbed in a throw it like motion.

He asked me if I was feeling anything else, mind you the whole time he his praying and another gal is praying with us in a rebuking manner and I said ‘yes, my nose, something is bothering me there, I used cocaine a lot in the past’: After he prayed over that area as well, I felt I could breathe fresh air from my nose that I haven’t felt that way in a long time.

My arm wasn’t red anymore and my hair and neck area was laying down straight, I felt relieved of any blockage holding my neck, I was beginning to feel my shakiness subside and a big weight came off my heart/chest area.

After I felt better, during the whole time he is still praying, and then be begins praying that I be filled with the Lord, God’s light in Jesus name in Hebrew (Yeshua Hamachia) I believe, and I kept feeling being filled with good positive fruits of the Holy Spirit, it was an amazing feeling.

This took place Monday March 13th, It’s now Wednesday the 15th, it’s been a day and a half and this morning and last night I slept so good, and had the most amazing dream(s) ever where I’m flying and see my house in the air, lots of brightness, some water when I looked down and I’m just flying up and over beautiful scenery, white clouds, light all around and moving fast.

Also I’ve noticed no one is noticing my tattoos, hahahha!, it’s crazy if I think I see their eyes’ glance at them, that would be it, a glance and nothing else no more, glances, and makes me think the didn’t even notice in the first place.

Spiritual realms here working for real and God is all so Powerful. I Praise God and Thank Him and for working and speaking through Reverend Rayford Johnson, may God continue to bless him abundantly in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit forever and ever, Amen!




Demon Deliverance

Brother Ray,

I pray this letter finds you in good health and living in the light. Praise God! I just wanted to write and tell you how grateful I am to God for using you as a vessel to help me get a hold of my life and I have never felt so free and sure of anything in my life. I am now spreading the good news and learning so much about my place in the world. And it is now a “Spiritual” place not of this world, for I have left my “worldly” nature behind (sinful nature) and rejoice in being a true follower of Christ Jesus!! Amen

Like you, I am a servant of the Most High and all the glory is His alone. You have no idea the impact your books “Demon Mentality Exposed and Thug Mentality Exposed” have had and still have, even as I write this, on the ones who were so informed. My self-included might I add.

That awareness comes straight from God himself and backed fully by the Word of Truth, the Holy Bible. After my first deliverance I had all the clarity given by the Holy Sprit to take hold of “the Truth” and finally have it sink into my heart and soul and even my mind in a way that was nothing short of a miracle Brotha Ray.

It sunk in so deep I new I would never have to step foot back inside and jail or institution for as long as I live. Unless of course I am returning with a pass around my neck on behalf of my won ministry serving God the way you do. Through the Lords help you do an incredible job at educating the last on how to truly get right with the Lord. Not only that but the “tools as well so one can stay right with the Lord.

Thank you so very much for doing your part for Jesus our Lord and Savior by getting His bride ready for his return. Because of all you help thru the Lord I and so many other now know that is our job to do as well. 

Praise God for clarity and understanding of the Truth. I t brings tears to my eyes knowing how lost we all were and how much hope and love we have now thru faith.

Praise God and may the Lord bless your steps and your ministry Brotha Ray.

Forever Faithful
your Sister in Christ.




Healing & Deliverance (County Jail)

(Back and Stomach Illness Healed in Jesus’ Name)

It’s me Ramiro —– inmate #——–I just wanted to write you and thank your for coming to see me last week. Well let me say I was feeling sick for a few days and the day you came as well. It was crazy because when I walked in the room you were waiting for me, I even felt more sick. I was feeling really sweaty and was seeing stars like my head was spinning around.

Then you started praying for the demonic spirits to leave my body, I begin to feel chills all over my body. I even got really sad and begin to cry. It was really what was happening, I couldn’t control it. That made me believe in God even more. When you were done I felt like I could run and jump or do whatever a 27 year-old man should be doing. (Before) I had felt like an old man, I couldn’t get out of bed or nothing, I was giving up on hope.

So if there are people out there that don’t believe in you, I do brother!. I was like that at one time, but I know what you do is true. I read my Holy Bible and share the word with those that want to hear it. I was an active norteno (gang member) but I dropped out because I got moved on for a bad call, because these dudes were from Sac and I was from —————- ,and I think back what did I get from it besides going to jail or losing love ones and my family. 

Now I’m going to prison and I have not one of my so called homeboys send me a letter or pick up my calls. The only person that’s here is my wife and family and God!!! He is for real and I will keep Him by my side for life. So by that being said, I thank you for what you done for me and taking the time to come see me.

Your Brother Romiro


Jail Testimony: Deliverance & Infilling of the Holy Spirit & Speaking in Tongues


Dear Brother Ray,

My name is Maurice H—-. and I just wrote to say what God has put on my heart and mind to present in this letter. I was currently prayed for by you and I received your prayer, I felt delivered from everything we touched in agreement on. About a week went by and I was working out hard fellowshipping with a Christian brother of mine and another inmate said basically I was too loud.

So I took it upon myself to go and confront this man and found myself angry and upset and he stated as I walked off, “That God thing went out the window huh!” That truly offended me and I decided to call a prayer call but I was still upset and the brother prayed for me and after I took it upon myself to go and so-called ask for forgiveness and I basically spoke about asking him to forgive me. Until the end, after I expressed how upset I was in anger and then I said forgive me.

The incident spread outside the pod and the relative of the inmate got upset with me not even knowing the matter. I took it upon myself to tell the officer to move me period and I sat down and I knew then what God wanted me to do, so I did it, I was able to talk to the relative hug him and ask him to forgive me and he said the same prayer for me and I told him the same.

I moved to 7th floor and I still was beating myself up and I went to pray and went to sleep. As I woke it was dinner and mind you God puts it on my heart to study His Word before every meal and instead of not doing it. I did in Jesus Name. A sinner falls down but he gets up “Amen”.

Then I noticed the worker outside my door was studying and I called him to my door and introduced myself and told him my story and God used him to encourage me and as well used me to encourage him in areas in his life as well.

I felt good to pray with him and then he said later after the fellowship, have you read Brother Ray’s new book?, I said Rayford Johnson, I just seen him a few days ago. So I got the book, prayed and dove in it, and came across Basic Prayer of Salvation and Deliverance, receiving the Holy Spirit, and prayer.

After the prayer it says remember John 7:38 tells us “Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.” I went to my knees quietly and first, the Holy Spirit moved upon me, I spoke in tongues from my belly, it felt like an abundance of ab crunches being done.

I began to cry while speaking in tongues, it was like I’m trying to say something in English but the words of a different language of the Holy Spirit came out, then I breathe in for a while and exhaled a long screeching cry/moan like I was choking and I believe it was evil spirits.

Brother, after I felt light and looked in the mirror and glowed and thanked God for true deliverance for me, wife and kids. I praised Him brother and I come to understand Ephesians 6:10-19 “Believers let us wake up to this spiritual battle it’s real and God has equipped us for every good work. 

Maurice H—-.



Jail Testimony: Deliverance

Dear Brother Ray,
Hello my name is H.D. and I’m a 27 year old and I’m writing you because my soon to be wife and I need some prayer and some spiritual guidance. Sir I have been in and out of jail since 2009 and I’m finally tired of it and to tell you the truth I was and have been an up and down believer in Christ until the first of December 2016 and I use to tell my wife she is crazy when she would try to tell me about her spiritual experiences with God and now its the other way around, it’s like we have switched place, now I’m her and she is me and I have brought her back to where she has accepted God back into her heart. Sir I lost my mom last year in the beginning of the year while I was at RCCC and so it’s been so hard for me but since I have accepted God into my life its been a lot more easier. I’m also a former Northern Soldier and I don’t want to be anymore, I’m sick and tired of drugs and violence because my thought about God is a very beautiful and amazing God, I mean before my wife had our son I tried to overdose on heroin and it should have killed me but instead it just made my vision jump uncontrollably and made me threw up and I went to sleep and woke up two or four hours later it was God and I know it. But what is my purpose on earth and I want to know how to ask Him well that it for now.

Sir Thank you for taking time to read this.

God Bless,

You and your family

P.s. I want to be a family man and a son of God. Oh yea I was wondering if I could get a copy of Thug Mentality Exposed.

After Deliverance:

To the People:
My name is H.D. and I was just delivered from all evil and it’s amazing I feel great and blessed to be a new born Christian. 

The feeling that I had was unbelievable but real. I felt things move and leave my body. My body started to heat up and I started sweating and shaking from head to my feet

and I just advise if you haven’t received Him as you Lord and Savior then you should before it’s too late.