Paperback: 360 pages
ISBN-10: 1477473696
ISBN-13: 978-1477473696
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

Ernest Roybal/Co-Founder of the Mexican Mafia
Mike Ramey/Certified Gang Specialist
“As a College Instructor on the subject of Modern Street Gangs, I have been blessed and proud to use this book as the textbook for my course. First, it deals with the subject in an honest presentation. Second, it hits firmly on the spiritual side of the gang issue, which is a side that many have missed. Third, it has plenty of scripture citations and examples, making it easy for pastors and youth ministers to follow. This book gets ‘best in show’ in my view. Know that a sequel is on its way. Ray Johnson is a great writer! You won’t be ashamed to add this to your street gang library!”
Genoa Barrow, Senior Staff Writer, The Sacramento Observer
“I read the sections from the young men in prison and I shivered. Their commitment to complete lawlessness is frightening. Your point, however, isn’t to scare people, but to wake us up. And you’ve certainly done that.
Someone reading this book WILL intercede in the life of someone they know who is beginning to walk down the path to destruction and any struggle you experienced in getting it done will be well worth it. Your commitment to giving these young people something to think about, in hopes that they will adopt more positive outlooks on life is to be commended. So many folks,
their own families in some cases, have simply written them off as lost causes.”
Lt. Terry Lewis-Academy Trainer-California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
“I just finished reading your book. I liked it, you are truly anointed with wisdom and insight.”
Dr. Melanie A. Lewis, English Professor
Cosumnes River College- Sacramento, California
Provocative, intriguing, compelling, riveting! In Thug Mentality Exposed, Rayford L. Johnson engages his audience in the historical and cultural relevance of America’s “taboo” subculture and unearths disturbing yet significant patterns of lifestyle acceptance worthy of much critical discourse and necessary in our understanding of this important, yet ostracized, criticized, and often misunderstood, “mentality.”
Simeon Gant, California Legislative Consultant
“Thug Mentality Exposed is a much-needed journal, in a time when our youth continue to spiral in the wrong direction; downward. This book may very well encourage young people and old to steer their lives in a different direction; upward.”
Book Description
Thug Mentality Exposed will take the reader on a raw and bold journey into the heart of the thug world through the eyes and experiences of a correctional counselor and photojournalist. Trends such as the hyphy, crunk, gangsta, goth and witchcraft movements among others are stealing the identities of ordinary kids and transforming them into hardened thugs through out America and many parts of the globe. These trends base themselves at the core of thug mentality and are ripping apart our society in ways that will forever change the social, moral, and financial foundations we have come to rely upon in our daily lives. Now is the time to educate ourselves on these deadly social issues that can drastically impact our loved ones. With this knowledge, we can begin healing by providing truth and hope to an expected at-risk population from being incarcerated or held bondage by deadly addictions which are leading many to an early grave. Did you know that ‘pant saggin’ actually started with male prostitutes in the prison system and that the word Thug actually derived from India out of a murderous religious cult? Discover numerous astounding facts like these in this riveting new book that you will not be able to set down.
This book also includes numerous in-depth interviews and personal stories of incarcerated gang members.

Commercial by Tim Jones “TSmoove”

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